Some institutions were affected last week with having their billing files sent from iLab to their financial system. This has been resolved and files were sent, as one, from iLab to the institution financial system over the weekend. Going forward, files will post as normal, during the regular times that were built with your custom financial integration. If there are any issues with your billng file, open a new help ticket, by clicking on Help at the top right of your account page or by emailing

Comprehensive Informatics Resource Core (CIRC)

Overview of Services

The Comprehensive Informatics Resource Core (CIRC) is a service of the  Translational Research Institute, dedicated to advancing the use of current informatics tools and expertise for clinica and translational research.  Led by Fred Prior, PHD and Chair of the Biomedical Informatics department at UAMS, the core provides  multi-level consulting and informatics support of clinical trials, radiological imaging, and clinical data reporting. The core can also build surveys and databases for clinical trials (using open-source RED Cap software), provide software development and arrange for extended reporting from our clinical data repository (AR-CDR).  For assistance, complete a project request and one of our project managers will contact you to provide a quote. 


Fred Prior|Professor and Chair

Location and hours of operation


8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Monday - Friday



Terms & Conditions

UAMS customer terms and conditions for research core facilities services.


Name Role Phone Email Location
Robin Rogers
Associate Chair | Core Manager

Biomedical Informatics PMO
Program Management Office

Comprehensive Informatics Resouce Core